I am a newbie with jQuery (primarily a designer)
and am looking for a tutorial (or code) that might
integrate a basic ajax call to


in a designerly way....with this in mind.....

(1) user clicks on <a> link to make ajax request to bring new content
to a #targeted div
jQuery first applies slideToggle function to the div -  basically a

jQuery.fn.slideToggle = function(speed, callback) {
    return this.animate({height: 'toggle',opacity: 'toggle'}, speed,

(2) after the fadeOut is completed - then jQuery makes the actual ajax
request -
(3) once the the actual ajax request is completed and new content
- the jQuery toggle is re-instantiated - basically a fadeIn ( )

I have already manged the ajax functionality
- just looking for pointers to hande a smooth click to - fadeOut(old)
- fadeIn(new) contents

pointers appreciated
thx - jQuery is most impressive

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