Hi Benjamin.

I would like to put visibility: hidden in my css for the elements
(it's thirty something divs with an image set as background) and then
use jQuery to display them. But so far I haven't had any success with
that approach - it only works if I set the css to display:none. By
doing so the browser won't download the images until the style is
changed (which is what jQuery does) but that looks awful in IE6. I
thought about just turning it off if it's IE6 (it's just eye candy)
but I'm not sure how to distinguish between IE6 and IE7. Sadly jQuery
only offers $.browser.msie. I've been digging in Ext to see how they
do it but only found isIE flag code. And I'm running out of time
so... :-( puh I'm gonna grab another cup of coffee..

Do you think it would work if I use
<div style="position:absolute;left:-2000px;>
<img src="path to image"/>
instead of background images?

On 5 Jul., 03:01, "Benjamin Sterling"
> Jon,
> I don't completely understand what you are asking for; Are you asking if
> there is a way to "preload" images and have them hidden with out
> display:none?
> If so:
> <div style="position:absolute;left:-2000px;>
> <img src="path to image"/>
> </div>
> Are you asking for filter out elements with display:none?
> If so:
> $('*').filter(':hidden');  //  I may be wrong on this one
> On 7/4/07, Jon Ege Ronnenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all!
> > Is it possible to show elements that is not CSS display:none;? In my case
> > I'm showing some pictures and I don't like that the browser only downloads
> > the pictures when I show them through jQuery. I would prefer if the browser
> > downloaded all the pictures and then I would show them though jQuery. I know
> > I can do it by changing the CSS instead of using show(), animate, slideDown
> > etc. But I like the easing effect and I'm not sure of to achieve that by
> > setting css.
> > Any ideas to a workaround or someone who can explain to me why jQuery took
> > this approach?
> > Thanks!
> > Don't misunderstand me - I really like jQuery (and especially its
> > simplicity).
> --
> Benjamin Sterlinghttp://www.KenzoMedia.comhttp://www.KenzoHosting.com

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