Maybe I'm going about thewrong way, but this is what I'm trying to

I have a page with thumbnails. Underneath each thumbnail there's a
'delete' link:

<a class="delete" href="#" onclick="javascript:delete_photo('.$img-

On click I would like to fire a confirmation message. Upon
confirmation the image should be deleted for which I have made a
function that's in 'main.js':

function delete_photo (photo_id) {
        confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this photo?');
        $.post(""+ photo_id);
        $("#"+ photo_id).fadeOut(500);
        return false;

The post works, the photo gets deleted, but on cancel the deletion is
also executed. I can see that how I've done it now is incorrect
because yes, the $post is right behind the confirmation so it's
logical it's being executed. But how do you do this the right way??

Thanks in advance!!

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