I keep answering my own questions!! I ask, I bust something, I try a few things... and it WORKS!

I have the next/prev running through the cycle plugin, as normal, but I also have a function called on the click of my next/prev buttons (apparently, one function attached isn't disconnecting another!). So, for today, it works. More than that would be superfluous.


Tobias Parent wrote:
OK, so I've got the cycle plugin working beautifully, and I created my own hover pause utility, as it needed to integrate with a separate pause button. Working wonderfully. However...

Now, I'm trying to set it so that, when a prev/next button are clicked, the player advances/rewinds as it should (which works), but on a forced advance/rewind, I'd like to be able to pause the player.

I'm looking at the source, to see if I can add a .cycle("ffwd") and .cycle("rewind"), similar to the .cycle("pause") and .cycle("resume") - but if someone has advice on an easy way to do this, I'd be grateful!

 AIM: tobyParent

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