> > Your issue doesn't actually have anything to do with the filter, it's
> > the selection. $('.class1,.class2') selects all class1, then all
> > class2.
> This totally explains why I have the issue, and I thank you for
> describing it.  I expected the select element statement to behave
> something like, "className ~= /^(?:class1|class2)$/," but it really
> operates more like, "(.class1).push(.class2)."

In fact, there's even a comment about this in the docs:
"Note order of the dom elements in the jQuery object aren't
necessarily identical."

However, this seem to do what you want, albeit probably a little slower:
$('*').filter(function() {return $(this).is('.class1,.class2');})...;

Though you should probably use something a little more specific than *
as the initial selector. Maybe ':input' to search all inputs, or
'#myForm *' or '#myForm :input' to only search children of your form.

Hope it helps.


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