On Nov 17, 9:00 pm, Ralph Whitbeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am curious, what are you using AJAX for?  Cause transporting medical
> records via XML is a very real privacy hole.

True enough,  that communication is double encrypted and across
SSL.    In these cases, I'm using it for lookups on diagnostic codes
and pharmacy inventories. That sort of thing.

> And to give you advice on your situation regardless I would fix your
> site for IE...yeah it sucks but it's really not that hard once you
> start down that path.  Making sure your page validates will go along
> way with IE compatibility.
> Ralph

The major problem with that is that I'm using Klauses tabs (version 2)
and with IE, I am needing to hit refresh when I select a new tab to
get it to see changes to session variables.  Not competent enough to
figure out a solution to that problem.

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