
I am using the following to grab the value of a radio button:

str = $("input[name='addType']").val();

The XHTML for the radio button is as follows:

<label for="add-type-1"><input type="radio" name="addType" id="add-type-1"
value="prem" />&nbsp;Premium</label>
<label for="add-type-2"><input type="radio" name="addType" id="add-type-2"
value="std" checked="checked" />&nbsp;Standard</label>

Even though the second radio button is set with the "checked" attribute, the
jQuery snippet above always returns the value of the first radio button.  I
am obviously doing something wrong (again), but cannot seem to pinpoint the
error of my ways.

As always, thanks in advance for your assistance.


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