Seems like everything you need is right here:

Error messages
An error message displays a hint for the user about invalid elements,
and what is wrong. There are three ways to provide error messages. Via
the title attribute of the input element to validate, via error labels
and via plugin settings (option messages).

On Jan 24, 12:05 pm, Dave Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> SORRY - the word [jQuery Validation Plugin] was supposed to appear in
> the title, but didn't.
> To restate the problem:
> When I validate a form using the jQuery Validation Plugin, when it
> comes across a form element that doesn't validat, it does 2 things:
> 1. Adds, or shows the corresponding error <label> tag, and
> 2. Adds the "error" class to the form element.
> I only want to do the first action, and I don't want the form element
> to be altered.
> Is this possible?
> Thanks,
> Dave

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