Thank you!!
Another question - and I've tried to do, but I didn't success - is on
building a "real cycle" (last > first, with no forward); I really
don't understand the code for doing it!

On 24 Gen, 13:35, Brad Hile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To loop Jcarousel you need to set the wrap option and cycle the auto
> option
> The following will show 5 images(visible:5), advancing 1 image (scroll:
> 1) every 2 seconds (auto:2) and when it reaches the last image wrap
> back to the first (wrap:last).
> // set up the carousel
>     jQuery('#mycarousel').jcarousel({
>           visible: 5,
>           auto: 2,
>           scroll:1,
>           animation: 'slow',
>           wrap: 'last'
>           });
> check out the following for explanations and more 
> options
> You can control the size of the image displayed in the CSS file and I
> would imagine you could turn off the arrows
> Hope that helps.
> Brad
> PS Cycle plugin is really cool but not sure what sort of performance
> hit (if any) running multiple instances would cause
> On Jan 24, 3:11 am, DoZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all!
> > I "simply" need to build an image rotation/cycle; it has to be
> > vertical, automatic, "looping", and the images have to be in <a> tags.
> > Jcarousel could be quite enough for me (even if I don't need arrows),
> > but I don't understand how to make the 
> > loop.
> > ScrollShow could be good too, but ther's no 
> > documentation(!)
> > Can anybody help me??

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