Hi folks,

(FYI: I've asked this question in the thickbox forum, but it doesn't
seem to get much traffic, so maybe someone here will have an answer.)

I have the thickbox widget working fine. Love it. While most of the
TBs are standard (open box, display content, close box) in some cases
I need to reload new content into the same box (after a user has made
a form selection). Essentially, this is a multi-page view within a
single TB.

I've managed to get a TB to load new content while it's open by using
replaceWith() instead of append() (triggered by a unique &param= in
the url), but after I close the box and then click on the original
link that launched the box, the TB opens up empty. So obviously my
replaceWith() is destroying the div's default content.

I'm pretty new to jquery, so my hack didn't have a good chance of
succeeding! (Really, I'm not all that clear on which parent vs child
elements are being affected by TB.)

So basically what I'm trying to set up is a way for a user to:

1. Open a TB
2. Click through a few "pages" within the TB
3. Close the TB
4. Re-open the TB with the first page again...like a gallery

Sounds simple, doesn't it?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

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