Hi  Mike

On Jan 23, 9:39 am, Mike Branski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This jQuery plugin turns an obfuscated e-mail address into a human-
> readable one. It's lightweight and accepts multiple filtering levels
> for additional security.

Thanks for the plugin.  Works great for me!

I did run into a problem with email addresses that have more than one
dot (period) in them.  For example, my/name/my/domain/com gets
rendered as [EMAIL PROTECTED] when it should be

I made a small change in the encoding convention by using a double
slash (//) to represent the @.  Single slashes (/) represent the
dots.  So my example is now encoded as my/name//my/domain/com.

Another thing that I noticed is if there are several single slashes in
the obfuscated email address, only the first one gets substituted with
a dot because the replace() function is not executing globally.

So to put this together, I changed the common code sequence:
.replace('/', '@').replace('/', '.')
.replace('//', '@').replace(/\//g, '.')

This replaces the singly occurring double slash with an @, then
replaces all single slashes with a dot.



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