Hi all, the application I'm attempting to write couldn't be simpler:
I want to display rows of data, retrieved from a database and allow
people to edit or delete those rows and add new rows.  Backend is PHP,
but I'd prefer to keep that out of the picture.  So far I'm passing my
rows successfully to jquery and have the loop ready to go, but I'm not
sure how to proceed.

Here's my dilemma:  what's the best strategy for keeping the HTML out
of my Javascript as much as possible?  The whole point of this
excercise has been to try to extricate as much PHP as possible from
the display logic, but just subbing in javascript is obviously pretty

One strategy I'm toying with is having an HTML "empty row" in the
normal layout that's hidden and get's cloned for both existing and new
records.  Is this a common technique?  Are there better ones?  I'm
trying not to re-invent the wheel here!

TIA, Charles

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