In most cases, you never want to call the same plug-in twice on a set of
jQuery objects that initialize a behavior on the page (you called
tablesorter() twice in your "incorrect" example.) This is because in most
cases you're applying the behavior twice and may end up with really bizarre


>-----Original Message-----
>From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>Behalf Of shoo
>Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 9:22 AM
>To: jQuery (English)
>Subject: [jQuery] Tablesorter - Disabled Header Options with Pager
>This week I've been working on implementing Tablesorter. It's a great
>Jquery table sorting utility, but I spent quite a bit of time trying
>to figure out why I could only sort columns in descending order while
>using the pager plugin when I set the header option to disable some
>columns. I didn't see anything on here about it so, I thought I would
>post my fix / solution.
>Below, the incorrect way to do it.
>$(document).ready(function() {
>    $("#SearchResultsTable").tablesorter({
>        // pass the headers argument and assing a object
>        headers: {
>            0: {
>                // disable it by setting the property sorter to false
>                sorter: false
>            },
>            4: {
>                // disable it by setting the property sorter to false
>                sorter: false
>            }
>        }
>    })
>.tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra']})
>       container: $("#ctl00_MainContent_pager"),
>       positionFixed: false
>     }); ;
>From what I've discovered, you really need to pass all the parameters
>in one pass like below:
>$(document).ready(function() {
>    $("#SearchResultsTable")
>     .tablesorter({
>       headers: {0: {sorter: false},6: {sorter: false}},
>       widgets: ['zebra']
>     })
>       .tablesorterPager({
>       container: $("#ctl00_MainContent_pager"),
>       positionFixed: false
>     });
>Above, I am calling table sorter to disable columns 0 and 6, use the
>zebra widget, then call the tablesorter Pager plugin.

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