Yes it does.

Thanks for the explanation.

On Aug 20, 12:34 pm, ak732 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What you're describing is more of a general AJAX thing.  JSON is just
> an optional part of the whole AJAX mechanism.  It's the data *format*,
> not the page update architecture.  You could use XML or grow your own
> data format and still be updating only portions of the page, on
> demand, as opposed to doing full page refreshes.
> That make sense?
> > Ah, I see.  So the advantage here is that the server is just returning
> > data to us, rather than a whole page, and having to use .find() to
> > filter the page?  Is it all based on speed, and bandwidth, or is there
> > another huge advantage that I am missing?

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