Hello guys.
I have this code (simplizied and without irrelevant here <th><tbody>
etc. code):
    <tr class="section_head">
        <td colespan="2"><div>some stuff....</div></td>

I want to "show/hide" non-classed tr when clicking on "section_head"
table row.
$(document).ready(function() {

This works and everything is fine. BUT! To make it as requested in
design I need all toggled stuff to be "hidden" when page is opening.
To achieve that I give my tr (display:none;) from css. And in the same
time I want the page to degrade gracefully, so when javascript is off
usually "hidden" stuff will be shown. So I can't load the page with tr
(display:none;) and I need to hide it with javascript; So what I do

$(document).ready(function() {

But then I get this “jumping”. When page loads trs are open, then it
jumps and closes it. Does anybody knows some graceful solution for
whole problem?

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