Answered my own question:

* Yes, the Ajax function was still running, even though its results
were not being published,
* I stopped that with a conditional ...

if( $( '#xmlContent' ).find( 'object' ) )
        cycle_content ();

Actually the Cycle loads quicker than the Flash, so I'm using it

I'd still like to know what vars can be returned from SWFObject for
this purpose, though, if anybody has that info ...


On Nov 26, 3:32 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Hello.
> There is a Flash movie in my page - if the user doesn't have Flash, I
> want a jQuery Cycle slideshow to play instead. It all looks great, but
> I don't know how to tell whether the slideshow is running even if it's
> not needed!
> Will my jQuery function run, even after SWFObject has removed the div
> it's targeted to?
> If it does, I'm wasting memory so my next question would be: How
> should I write a conditional, to execute the function only if Flash is
> not present?
> Hope I've explained it clearly enough :/
> Cherry.

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