Dear jQuery gang,
I am having the following issue with a remote content tab in IE 7.

Here's the scoop:

Link on one page ie: (http://appname/list/#tab_two) takes me to
another page with 3 tabs and via that link I want to default to the
2nd tab open. This of course works like a dream in Firefox and loads
up the ajax for that tab... IE 7 does not do this.

I found an example of the same issue occurring on Klaus' site here:

The text in tab one will show 'Plain HTML' if you are viewing in
Firefox but it wont if you are viewing in IE 7.

I have tried the approach of creating container divs and giving them
all an id and then referring to those ids in the title tags of my
hrefs in my tab list to no avail.

Anyone had any experience with this issue and any luck with a


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