
I've been working on a jquery projet (with the lastest stable version of jquery) that retrieves information using json from a php script that requests information from an API. The script lists all the different extensions with a status colomn that says what it's doing (waiting, searching or result). The script gets the list of extensions form an input select drop down that's generated by PHP (this allows me to manage extensions using a database). It then launches the search for the selected extension and when the search is finished it launches the search for all the other extensions.

I need one answer per query but it seems that the ajax success function is launched more than once which is not what I want, also sometimes it seems to keep some sort of memory of what the answer was last time (if I add a sleep function to the php script sometimes it gets the first answer befor the sleep is over) ... I've got a php script to check whois servers that replys with either taken, available or error.

When the whois servers answer quickly there are no visible problems, but when they are slow the ajax request seems to be launched a second time and sometimes a third time when they are very slow.

So I might see for example : domain.com, status : available, and then 2 seconds later it will be replaced by domain.com, status : error and sometimes then replaced by domain.com, status : available.

In order to test this I replaced ".html(" by ".append(" and I can then see all the different results...

Of course I could check that the html id contains the "searching" text and if not to not change it's value, but I would like to stop it launching the search more than once ... !

Is this a bug or an error in my code ? should I try it with an earlier version of jquery ?

Here is my javascript code :

function CheckWhois() {
   $('#domchk').submit(function() {
       ls = Array();
           i = i+1;
ls[i] = $(this).val(); });
       var ndom = $('#ndom').val();
       var dext = $('#dext').val();
$("#domresult").html("<table id=\"domtab\"><tr><th>Sel.</th><th>Domain</th><th>status</th></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\">Chose TLD</td></tr><tr class=\"chosen\"><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"sel\" value=\""+ndom+dext+"\" /></td><td>"+ndom+dext+"</td><td id=\"chosenstatus\"><img src=\"images/domload.gif\" alt=\"en cours ...\" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\">Autres Extensions</td></tr></table>");
       for ( var e in ls) {
           if (dext != ls[e]) {
$("#domtab").append("<tr class=\""+ls[e]+"\"><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"sel\" value=\""+ndom+ls[e]+"\" /></td><td>"+ndom+ls[e]+"</td><td id=\"status"+e+"\"><img src=\"images/domball.gif\" alt=\"waiting ...\" /></td></tr>"); } }
               url : "scripts/ajaxwhois.php",
               type : "POST",
               data : "domain="+ndom+"&ext="+dext,
               dataType : "json",
error : function (xhr, desc, exception) {$("#chosenstatus").html("Error"); },
               success : function (data) {
                   if(data.error) {
                   } else {
                       for ( var e in ls) {
                           var extd = $("#status"+e);
                           if (dext != ls[e]) {
extd.html("<img src=\"images/domload.gif\" alt=\"searching ...\" />");
return false; }); }

function GetWhois(ndom,ls,e){
           url : "scripts/ajaxwhois.php",
           type : "POST",
           data : "domain="+ndom+"&ext="+ls+"&num="+e,
           dataType : "json",
error : function (xhr, desc, exception) { $("#status"+e).html("Error");},
           success : function (data) {
           if(data.error) {
           } else {


Thankyou !

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