I'm trying to externally update the value of the linkselect field
this._itemSelect.linkselect("val", newValue);
and am getting the following exception on FF3: 'self is undefined' on
line 37, since the 'self' lookup from $.data returned null.
Digging in to things, it looks like $.data is getting initialized with
$input[0], but at least in my browser, the retrieval is being done
with $select. Changing line 178 to
$.data($select[0], "linkselect", this);
fixed the issue for me. Is this the proper fix? Can this get

I'm also having an issue with the width of the dropdown list, my
linkselect item is an inline element in a span, so it's unable to
properly size the parent and the dropdown width is always set to the
max-width from the CSS class. What's the proper way to get the list to
size to its contents when its in an inline element?


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