
Great job. I built a prototype of my own table for the same reasons a
few months ago. The grid looks good, but for my purposes (and I am
sure for many others), while having an array of rows is great and
useful, the plugin should be able to create such tables from a regular
<table> element. I am working on an enterprise app that outputs via
xslt a table with a bunch of data, and it would be great to run this
code as a plugin to convert the table (with rules for each column?)
into a spreadsheet like in your last example. Should be fairly
straight forward to do that..

I am also looking for sorting (shouldn't be too bad), locking columns,
locking header (done) and locking footer. I implemented these in my
prototype already, as well as the rendering from table element.
Anyway, I would love to help out in some capacity, if you're looking
to develop this further.


On Mar 9, 5:31 am, Tin <michael.leib...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey All,
> I've been working on a grid/spreadsheet control prototype during the
> last couple of weeks.  Seeing how there doesn't seem to be a lot of
> other choices for this sort of thing, I had to write my own.  I've put
> the project up on Google Code and am looking for experienced
> developers who can pick this up and turn it into something that
> everybody can use (a jQuery UI grid plugin?).
> The project is hosted athttp://code.google.com/p/slickgrid/.
> Below is a copy of the project home page.
> Looking forward to your feedback!
> Michael Leibman
> michael.leib...@gmail.com
> Principal Engineer
> Daptiv Inc.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> SlickGrid
> What it is
> Quite simply, SlickGrid is a JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component.
> Some highlights:
> Virtual scrolling/rendering (hundreds of thousands of rows)
> Extremely fast rendering speed
> Configurable & customizable
> Full keyboard navigation
> Resizable/reorderable columns
> Custom cell formatters & editors
> Support for editing and creating new rows.
> "GlobalEditorLock" to manage concurrent edits in cases where multiple
> Views on a page can edit the same data.
> Why?
> This is pretty much a work-in-progress prototype, so I don't feel like
> spending a lot of time documenting it at this stage. I do think it is
> quite promising though, so I'm putting it up for everybody to see and
> play with. In its current form, it satisfies nearly all of the
> requirements for the project I am working on where I am utilizing it
> in an MVC application, so I'm not sure how much time I can afford on
> turning SlickGrid into something that would work for everybody. If you
> are willing to help out - let me know, and I'll add you to the project
> so that you can contribute.
> Examples
> Basic use:http://slickgrid.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/example1-simple.html
> Adding some 
> formatting:http://slickgrid.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/example2-formatters.html
> Turning it into a 
> spreadsheet:http://slickgrid.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/example3-editing.html
> A more comprehensive test 
> page:http://slickgrid.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/grid.html
> Documentation
> See comments at the top 
> ofhttp://slickgrid.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/slick.grid.js.

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