($(this).attr("href") + ' #content *') will return the contents of #content on the page being loaded without the div container with same ID

 using less generic ID named " content" would be another obvious solution

Laegnur wrote:

In a website that I am developing, I have a tab navigation system and
I tried to dynamic load the #content of each page in the #content div
of the main page withe the next script and next html:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#nav a').click(function(event) {
    $('#content').load($(this).attr("href") + ' #content').fadeIn

    Navigation Begin
    <div id="nav">
        <li><a href=""
        <li><a href="" title="links"><span>Enlaces</span></
    Navigation End

    Content Begin
    <div id="content">
      Mod Begin
        <div class="mod">
         Lore Ipsum Presentation
      Mod End
    Content End

But when I run the script it doubling the #content div.

    Content Begin
    <div id="content"><div id="content">
      Mod Begin
        <div class="mod">
          lore ipsum links
    Content End

Can someone help me with this?

p.d: Sorry for my bad english.


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