google maps  function resizeMap();

donb wrote:
A Google map will not render itself property if the dimensions of the
map container are not defined at the time the map initializes.  And a
'display:none' container will have zero height and width.

Perhaps you can load the map off the side of the screen where it can't
be seen, but where it can have the correct dimensions.  Then move it
to the desired screen location.

On May 19, 6:12 pm, Jack Killpatrick <> wrote:
I had a problem (not sliding panel specific) once where a google map
would not display if it's wrapper had display:none on it. Maybe try
visibility:hidden. I think in my case I had to load the map offscreen
(using absolute a div with negative positioning) and then using .append
to move it's contents into the place where I wanted it to actually
appear (definitely a kludge, but worked).

- Jack

phaedo5 wrote:
I want to use a sliding panel at the top of my page.  I can do that, but I
also want to include inside that panel an interactive Google Map.  I can do
the code to get it there, but it doesn't work quite right.  The map loads
but there are pieces of it that are flaky or not there.  The map seems to
work, it just doesn't display properly.  
Does anyone know how I can work around that?


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