you have a series of compounding problems here.

Simplest to fix is getting rid of "left: -50%" hack by clearing out all the non essential css from the container div "navigation". Getting rid of "inline" in that div will also fix the hack for "weird CMSMS menu template problem".

Next make class for the menu call and class for the superfish call the same. Your css is using class "nav" but superfish call is class "superfish". I thought this would fix it , however it seems when you stripped out some of the superfish.css file you took out too much.

If you take a superfish.css file, match the  ul class, the call and class in superfish.css the subs show in IE fine albeit with styling form the default superfish.css. This implies that when you deleted some of the superfish.css you took out something important ( likely a  position value or hover ).

Easiest fix  would be consolidate the background and link styling from the container div back into appropriate selectors in superfish.css and use that file to get menu working.  After it works can put it into your main style sheet file if you want

Susan wrote:
I just discovered that Internet Explorer is not showing the 3rd level
of the menu. (very much a work in progress)

I believe it's a js issue and not a css one.  I've removed all js/
jquery except the menu stuff and the problem still exists.  I'm not
sure what to do now.  I know it should work because the examples on
the superfish site do.

Also, I just pulled up my test page that I made before integrating the
CMS and they don't work there either.  Maybe there will be some clue
here because it's the only js/jquery involved.

I will be very grateful for any help.  This is a client's site and
it's due this week.  Yikes!


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