simple recipe for multi column subs with superfish

put div into 2nd level <li>. Put whatever you want inside this div, images, multiple divs, heading tags etc. Style divs any way you need

use supersubs.js to adjust widths if not all sub menu's are same width

Hetneo wrote:
Hi Mohammad,

You're exactly right. That's is the functionality of the superfish
extension for Joomla.

I found this tutorial very helpful:

In this case however, superfish (
) is far advanced than that tutorial and I am looking to extend the
functionality of the tutorial into superfish.

Say for example you have three levels of menu menu-level-1, menu-
level-2, menu-level-3.

When you hover over menu-level-1, I want superfish to display both
menu-level-2 and menu-level-3 levels for all menu items on levels two
and three.

I had hoped someone had achived this to save me some time :).

Any ideas?

Many thanks,

On May 26, 5:16 pm, "Mohd.Tareq" <> wrote:
Hi Hetneo,
Its easy to get that kind of menu using _javascript_ / jquery code.
See they have written plugin based on ul & li.
Now here is a solution like Ischa I guess ;)
Step :
1 - Create Main menu div
2 - Create another menu below each menu div [menu1 -> sub-menu1]
3 - Use 'hover' function of jquery or 'onmouseover / onmouseout' of
3 - Within 'hover' or 'onmouseover/onmouseout' function you need to hide /
unhide your divs
4 - Use any function like fadeIn,fadeOut,slideUp,slideUp to toggle your
you can do it via css like twitter people did.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Ischa Gast <> wrote:

That's great news. Would be interested to see the final product.
Are there any hints you can give me or point me to a file I can be
focusing my attention to achive this?
It's a custom made script where you can choose what child you want to
target, something superfish doesn't have but would be very welcome.
---| Regard |---



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