another option is put an overlay over them

Fluffica wrote:
I thought "oriHref" was a fancy part of jQuery there. Well, hopefull

Unfortunatly I've got a long list of dynamic links, and need to
disable them all when one is clicked. Putting the original href back
into each one doesn't seem possible (at least with my "designer trying
out this _javascript_ thing" smarts).

And I'm afraid I'm not sure what a timeout method is...

On May 27, 3:58 pm, GaVrA <> wrote:
You can use timeout method, or maybe changing href attribute to

       var oriHref = $(this).attr('href');
       //.btn is now NOT clickable
      $(this).attr('href' : '');
      $("#somethingElse").doStuff("slow", function(){
              //.btn is now clickable
              $('.btn').attr('href' : 'oriHref');


On May 27, 3:05 pm, Fluffica <>

Good Afternoon (or morning depending on where you are).
I really hate posting probably quite simple questions to forums, but
this is really foxing me.
                //.btn is now NOT clickable
                $("#somethingElse").doStuff("slow", function(){
                        //.btn is now clickable
I've got a long navigation, and pages slide in and out of view.
Troubles are, if the user impaitently clicks a load of links while the
page loading and sliding in is happening, it melts my (probably poorly
written) code.
So, I'm trying to stop the user from clicking on any other buttons,
while the page loader is doing it's thing.


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