you can search the json array with $.each

var nameWanted = "a";
var data=""> {"id":"2","prijs":"5","naam":"b"},

$.each(,function(i,item) {
    if ([i].naam == nameWanted) {


Kristof wrote:
i like the idea of building in a treager. each time the user ads a new
product or changes a product i could rewrite the new file. Good idea
thanks! thanks for the URL"s too !

On Jun 2, 8:02 pm, jsuggs <> wrote:
Look at some of the auto-complete plugins, they do a lot of what you
are asking for already including caching of results so that you don't
have to do as many lookups or requests.

And yes, having a process run daily to generate the values can be a
good idea if you don't need up-to-date values.  One other method is to
have a "trigger" run every time that a new value is added.  That way,
when the first item is added the file will be created with just the
single item.  You wouldn't have to hit the database again until
another item was added and the file overwritten.  Both methods are
pretty common practice, but don't overestimate the cost of doing a
live database lookup, if you have an index on the column that you are
searching through then its impact should be fairly minimal (thus
eliminating the need for a more complex solution).

On Jun 2, 4:03 am, Kristof <> wrote:

Hello, i have just joined this group. First Google group i join !
I'm not native English speaking so sorry if i make some grammar
Anyway, the past 2 weeks i've been looking into JSON/AJAX functions of
Now the reason for me doing that is that I want to make the following:
I want to have an input field that ask you for a code, let's say
"abc", my script should then automatically search for the price in the
database, so with an onblur i suppose.
Now i googled/read etc etc, and i came up with a script that worked.
It ran a PHP script, generated an array according to the SJON standard
that i found on the official website.
BUT after re-thinking  what I was doing i thought to myself "what if I
have a database with 10 000 products. I would load a query each time
to search trough these 10 000 products/items.  So I figured there must
be a better way. So i came up with the following idea:
lets run the PHP scripts one's a day and generate a .JS file
containing ALL the products in some sort of array readable for
$.getJson(). And this is where I get stuck:
how can I read trough the JS file and only select the price of the
item of witch I typed in the code "abc" ?
so if I have products.JS generated by PHP-script containing :
how could I select the "prijs" of product "a" from that JS-file ? Is
it at all possible and if so how ?
Help would be greatly appreciated !


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