this response refers to a specific use in a CMS, in this case Joomla. Admin of a menu in a CMS has nothing to do with extensibility of the markup or script functionality.

you can extend the markup virtually indefinitely without any css or script mods by continuous nesting of UL's. Of course there are limits on viewport and reasonable user experience that would come in to play after a while

Rafael Vargas wrote:
Hello Jeremy,

I don't know the limit, but the levels are created on the "menu item manager". I just created a chain of menu and submenu items just by assigning the "parent item". This is done in Joomla :

- Under Menu, select your menu. "Top menu" for example. The "menu item manager" opens.
- There should be at least two items; lets imagine there is a "home", an "intro" and a "board" item. Click on the "intro" item and the "menu item edit" opens.
- On the "menu item details" section, go to the box that says "parent item" and select "home". Save, and this will return you to "menu item manager".

You should see that "intro" is now an item under "home". If you repeat the process for "board" and assign "intro" as the parent, then the "menu item manager" will show "board" under "intro", under "home". This is now the "Top menu".

Now go to "module manager" and click on the "Superfish menu". On "Module parameters"->"Menu name", select the ID that identifies the top menu (in my case is the word "topmenu"). Apply or save, then preview.

Best regards.


On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Jeremy <> wrote:

I see a few post about this, but how does one extend Superfish to
accept a third level?  In my experience it cuts is limited to two

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