assuming you're keeping the <a> tag there are quite a few ways to do this, here's a few:

$("div h1 a").appendTo("div");
$("div p, div h1").remove();

var link=$("div h1 a");
$("div").html(link);// nothing left in div except <a> tag with this example, would wipe out anything else in div too

$("div h1 a").insertBefore("p").parents("div").find("p").remove();

be careful ,  very generic selectors used in example and some will remove every p in every div! only used as example, you'll need to be more specific with selector ID's, attributes or classes.

Clare wrote:
hi all, I have something like below:

			<a href="">My Link</a>

I'd like to get rid of only the inner tags, 'p' and 'h1'.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.


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