One filter would be to check the length of div:visible, if zero no div's visible

I think there is a lot easier way to accomplish your task without having to splice for ID's, writing filter tests and without any if statements at all by using classes for everything you are doing

By adding/removing classes you can create the filters  and by using the index of button clicked , find corresponding info div to display . This makes jquery so much easier to write , read , and troubleshoot  IMO

Take a look at this version of your script. The only markup difference is to add class =" info" to all your #content div's. Looking at html in Firebug is helpful for seeing the new classes  for better visual understanding

           $("#content div").addClass("info");// add this class so don't have to splice to find ID, use index to locate instead
                opacity: 0.3
            $("#page-wrap div.button").click(function(){

               // add/remove info_active class to use as filter for  visible content. Only the visible content will have this class
                $(".info_active").fadeOut().removeClass("info_active"); // info_active class added below when this div is made visible

                // much easier to index than splice to find ID's since relationship is one to one
                var index= $(".button").index(this);
                 //// use the active class to dim the previous button.  Remove class on previous button has to happen before add to new or will remove from button clicked
                    opacity: 0.5,
                    borderWidth: 1
                }, 600 ).removeClass("button_active");

                ////highlight css for newly clicked button
                $(this).animate({opacity: 1,borderWidth: 5    }, 600 ).addClass("active");  div


Suz T. wrote:

Thankyou for your response,  I'll try to clarify what I am trying to do....I am trying to have the content of a div on a page appear or disappear based on a click of a link. However I want to start the page with none of the content in divs being shown, thus I hid the #content div's in the css.

What is happening now is first time I click on "xx-button" it then fades in the corresponding "#content div.xx"  Then the next click of say "x1-button" fades in #content div.x1" BUT it does not fade out the previous "#content div.xx".  Same thing happens for the third "x2-button", the "#content div.x2" is faded in but "#content div.x1" and "#content div.xx" are still visible which is not what I want.

What I tried to do in the script is test if ALL the divs in "#content div" are hidden.  if true then fade in the corresponding "#content div.xx" to the clicked "xx-button". This is good and works for the first condition of the page only.  At the next click to  "x1-button" the if statement  "  appears to return true again.  As it appears that "#content > div" is for any div in #content being hidden versus ALL. So I am looking to understand how to write the filter/test to check if  ALL the divs in #content being hidden

There may be simpler way to do this... this was the closest I came to getting it almost where I wanted.

Thanks hope this clears it a bit & thanks in advance for the help.


Charlie wrote:
this is  confusing,  all the #content div's are already hidden by css ( display:none) and you say it's already working . Not very clear what you are trying to accomplish

$("#content div").hide();  // this will hide every div within #content

using part of your click function below a "filter" like you are asking about could be

$("#content div:visible").hide();

is that all you are trying to do is hide them?

Suz T. wrote:

Hello I am posting for the first time.. and am resending my message because it didn't appear to post to the group.
As mentioned below, just starting out with jquery/_javascript_ and need some help with the script below to have it start with none of the #content div showing.

I expect this is pretty basic, so thanks in advance for any quick help you can provide.


SuzT wrote:
Hello I am a beginner to jquery/_javascript_ and I am trying to use a
script I saw online to replace the content of a div. However I would
like to have the script start with none of the target content showing.
So far it starts correctly however I am not sure how to test/filter
for ALL the divs in #content being hidden which would be the begging
state of the page.

Here is a link to what it is doing now.

Here is the code
<script type="text/_javascript_">


                opacity: 0.3

                opacity: 0.3
                opacity: 0.3

            $("#page-wrap div.button").click(function(){

                $clicked = $(this);

                // if the button is not already "transformed" AND is not animated
                if ($clicked.css("opacity") != "1" && $":not
(animated)")) {

                        opacity: 1,
                        borderWidth: 5
                    }, 600 );

                    // each button div MUST have a "xx-button" and the target div
must have an id "xx"
                    var idToLoad = $clicked.attr("id").split('-');

                    if ($("#content > div").is(":hidden")) {

                    else {
                    //we search trough the content for the visible div and we fade it
                    $("#content").find("div:visible").fadeOut("fast", function(){
                        //once the fade out is completed, we start to fade in the right


                //we reset the other buttons to default style
                    opacity: 0.5,
                    borderWidth: 1
                }, 600 );



Thank you for you assitance in advance.


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