your source is all corrupted by injecting your images <a><img/></a>   inside the href of another <a>
page is breaking as result

try to make the code match the design of original plugin example first, verify by checking source in browser

wildbug wrote:
I figured out how to limit the photos to 4. I'd be happy now if
someone could just tell me how to fix the overlapping images....the
other stuff is just gravy....thanks!

On Jun 18, 10:18 pm, wildbug <> wrote:
Hi all,
I am hoping to use a 3rd party script for a simple JQuery photo slider
for my WP blog. But the script creator says:

"If you are trying to 'include' this into a blog template then you
will need to have a good knowledge of the template structure and how
it is pulling the information from the database. The files that I
supply are intended for use in a normal xhtml page where you would
just add the _javascript_ calls and stylesheet links to the page head,
then embed the xhtml into the web page or use a simple php 'include'
to add this at run time." He couldn't help further.

The blog theme I purchase comes with a photo slider but I wasn't happy
with it 100%. I took the code from the new one and put it in as best
as I could where the original one was formatted. I am not a programmer
though and I know that clearly I did not do it right, as I used "a"
ids like you would in HTML and I know they don't belong in PHP.
However, it magically is working somewhat! All the graphics are
showing, it's pulling images, and they are sliding.

I just need to clean it up a bit. Here is a page where it is on:

There are only 4 images. The new JQuery slider is made for 10 images.

My specific questions are:

• How to fix images that are overlapping
• How to limit images to 4 so the navigation doesn't keep going to
blank pages
• Is it possible to have the numbered buttons below the image to
appear ONLY IF there are corresponding images - so if there are only 2
photos, only #s 1 and 2 will display?

Many thanks for any help. Let me know if you need to see some of the


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