Hi all,

I posted a week ago about some odd behavior with slideUp() and
slideDown() in IE 6, 7, and 8 (the post is here:
). After several hours of further investigation, it appears that
jQuery isn't properly animating LI elements.

I set up a simplified example here:

The first two examples on this page show slideUp() and slideDown() on
LI elements. In Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari, clicking causes
slideUp() or slideDown() animations that behave as expected. In IE 6
and 7, slideUp() and slideDown() behave very differently.

The second two examples basically translate the unordered lists and
list items into divs. slideUp() and slideDown() work as expected in
these examples, even in IE 6 and 7.

Is this a flaw in the slideUp()/slideDown() commands?



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