On 7 ago, 06:06, Christer Bygdestam <christer.bygdes...@gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get Joerns awesomeautocomplete-plugin to work with
> UTF-8 but I've had no luck in making it work. Has anyone managed to
> query the backend using UTF-8 encodendcharacters?
> Right now I'm trying my best to decode the incoming string ie
> "q=Östman" but nothing happens? Do I need to encode the returned
> string as well?
> Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!
> Christer

I'd like to bump this up. I'm trying to implement a dynamic form, and
I need to query for words containing (in this particular case) ñ.

I want to query for the city 'Añatuya'.
- typing in 'aña' doesn't find it.
- typing in 'ana' displays the word, but without the 'aña' sequence
highlighted. (other returned strings that do contain 'ana' are
properly highlighted).

- firebug tells me the query string sent is

Any solutions or pointers? I'm not really javascript-savvy enough to
actually start picking the plugin apart by myself.


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