We've just released another jQuery plug-in which emulates the iPhone-style
button used to toggle settings on/off. The plug-in works with both checkbox
and radio button groups and we've worked hard to make this a complete
plug-in. While there are several similar plug-ins, we couldn't find one that
actually had all the features we needed--which is why we built this version.

You can see a demo here:

Here are the features:

   - Works with checkboxes or radio elements
   - Full keyboard support — use the [TAB] key to move from field to field
   and use the spacebar to toggle the status of the iButton (or use the arrow
   keys for radio buttons)
   - Custom event handlers
   - Detach iButton behavior from the element
   - Metadata support — when used with the jQuery Metadata
   you can define the properties for your button completely within the class
   attribute of your input elements
   - Enable/disable drag support — while the dragging behavior is intuitive
   on touch-based devices, it's not always be the best or expected UI behavior
   and may cause some mouse users problems (NOTE: In order to help
   differentiate between an intended mouse click or an actual drag event, we're
   developed the clickOffset option. If the time (in milliseconds) is under
   this value (120ms by default) it's assumed the user was attempting to click
   the button and not drag the handle.)
   - Enable/disable animation
   - Single sprite image — easily change the look of your button by just
   replacing the image sprite
   - Customizable labels — use any labels you want for your buttons
   - Support for disabled buttons
   - Easing support for animations
   - iPhone support

Hopefully some of you find this useful.


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