i did try ealer to send a reply but that did not seem to apper so
heres a shorter version

http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax has everything you need, to make a loading
image come up on start you can just ether in your click function
inlude $(".loading").show(); or use the event 
then use the stop http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxStop#callback

then its just a $.post(url,data,callback) i normally do my data in a
{} so {peram1 : 'test'} etc ending up with somthing like $.post
('example.php',{peram1 : 'test'},function(data){ alert('hello')});

On Sep 28, 10:58 am, mattastic <mharris...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Could soneone please show me an example of a simple ajax post to a
> coldfusion page, with a loading graphic?
> I cant find an appropriate example in the documentation.
> Thankyou

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