You're selecting only the third link with class="jt":


If you want all of them to show the cluetip on hover, remove the :eq(2) part of the selector:



Karl Swedberg

On Oct 23, 2009, at 5:19 PM, wendy.constantine wrote:

I've encountered some inconsistency in how the clue tip plugin
displays. In most cases, it works perfectly using the JTip theme, yet
when there are multiple links on a page, the links lowest on the page
almost surely do not display a tip at all (except for the standard
browser tooltip). And in some cases, the style changes entirely while
using the same class.

Here is a link to a sample document:

In all cases, what I'm trying to accomplish is an image rollover with
title. The hrefs and parameters are all constructed the same, and
what's more puzzling is that the same href would work fine if placed
at the top of the document.

This is the jquery used:

 cluetipClass: 'jtip', arrows: true,
 dropShadow: true,
 height: 'auto',
 sticky: true,
 waitImage: true,
 closeText: '<img src="../../../jscript/images/cross.png"
alt="close" />',
 positionBy: 'bottomTop'

And here's a sample href:
<a class="jt" href="javascript:void(0);" rel="../ch03/thumbs/
0312A.jpg" title="Seated statues of Rahotep and Nofret, from their
mastaba at Maidum, Egypt, Fourth Dynasty">

Any help would be appreciated.

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