Hello, Please help me. I found a bug. Describe in detail...
I enter a search word and get from database rows - links with
parameter kodbpod unit.

<table><tr><td><span><a href="" onclick="javascript:getTreeView
(7);return false;">Отдел сопровождения ПЦ</a></span></td></tr>
<tr><td><span><a href="" onclick="javascript:getTreeView(11);return
false;">Отдел разработки банковских систем</a></span></td></tr></

http://pastie.org/725120 (see this).

After I click on the link and call the function getTreeView(kodbpod)
that builds a tree units by jquery.treeview.js ( http://pastie.org/725130
) and
jquery.treeview.async.js ( http://pastie.org/725128 )

When I click first link - a tree is works normal, branches opened and
closed by pressing the branches.
But when you're clicking the same link a second time, the tree is
built, but the branch is not open and not closed.
I looked up what the code is formed at the output in the first case,
when the tree is working normal.

<ul class="treeview" id="async"><li class="open collapsable
lastCollapsable" id="1"><div title="tree_div" class="hitarea open-
hitarea collapsable-hitarea lastCollapsable-hitarea"></div><span
class="">Блок ИТ</span><ul><li id=""><span><a class=""
href="">Бочарников Игорь Викторович  И.О. Управляющего директора
1075, 1202</a></span></li><li class="open collapsable lastCollapsable"
id="2"><div title="tree_div" class="hitarea open-hitarea collapsable-
hitarea lastCollapsable-hitarea"></div><span class="">Департамент
проектирования информационных систем</span><ul style="display:
block;"><li class="open collapsable lastCollapsable" id="3"><div
title="tree_div" class="hitarea open-hitarea collapsable-hitarea
lastCollapsable-hitarea"></div><span class="">Управление по разработке
транзакционных систем</span><ul><li class="last" id="7"><span>Отдел
сопровождения ПЦ</span></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>

 And then look what the code is formed at the output in the second
case, when the tree is built, but does not work.

<ul class="treeview" id="async"><li class="open collapsable
lastCollapsable" id="1"><div title="tree_div" class="hitarea open-
hitarea collapsable-hitarea lastCollapsable-hitarea"></div><div
title="tree_div" class="hitarea open-hitarea collapsable-hitarea
lastCollapsable-hitarea"></div><span class="">Блок ИТ</span><ul><li
id=""><span><a class="" href="">Бочарников Игорь Викторович  И.О.
Управляющего директора  1075, 1202</a></span></li><li class="open
collapsable lastCollapsable" id="2"><div title="tree_div"
class="hitarea open-hitarea collapsable-hitarea lastCollapsable-
hitarea"></div><div title="tree_div" class="hitarea open-hitarea
collapsable-hitarea lastCollapsable-hitarea"></div><span
class="">Департамент проектирования информационных систем</span><ul
style="display: block;"><li class="open collapsable lastCollapsable"
id="3"><div title="tree_div" class="hitarea open-hitarea collapsable-
hitarea lastCollapsable-hitarea"></div><div title="tree_div"
class="hitarea open-hitarea collapsable-hitarea lastCollapsable-
hitarea"></div><span class="">Управление по разработке транзакционных
систем</span><ul><li class="last" id="7"><span>Отдел сопровождения ПЦ</

You see ? Duplicate DIV in second case. And so every time: at
1,3,5,7 ... click on the link tree is built and works at 2,4,6,8 ...
click on the same link tree is built, but does not work.
I think the bug here somewhere...

this.prepend("<div title=\"tree_div\" class=\"" + CLASSES.hitarea +
"\"/>").find("div." + CLASSES.hitarea).each(function() {
                                        var classes = "";
$.each($(this).parent().attr("class").split(" "), function() {
                                                classes += this + "-hitarea ";
                                        $(this).addClass( classes );

 but I don't know how to fix it...
How to fix this? HELP PLEASE.

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