One of the scripts or plugins you are using appears to be duplicating
the code for the form creating 2 forms with the same attributes on the
same page.  The first form is never being shown at all and is not
accepting input. Using some jQuery like this:


you can access these form elements, but I would try to figure out how
the form is being duplicated and fix that problem.  You can see both
forms in the markup by using firebug or the inspector in google

I will let you know if I see where the form is being duplicated.  Good


On Dec 2, 7:42 pm, kenyabob <> wrote:
> I have built a contact form that appears using lightbox at the
> following site:
> The jquery in question can be found here
> The .val() of the input fields gives me nothing, although it seems
> that I can toggle them on and off in the form. Why aren't they
> reporting their values?

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