Need some help here from others who are more experienced.  I'm new to
Jquery so please forgive me if this is a basic question.

Problem #1 (Pagination):
I have multiple tables that get displayed via ajax using jquery.  Each
of those tables uses the tablesorter functionality which works fine on
all the tables.  However when I include the tablesorter pager plugin
the following occurs:  When the page is initially displayed if I don't
click any of the columns to sort and I go straight to the pagination
and paginate, there is no problem.  However, as soon as I click on a
column to sort it then the pagination no longer works.

Problem #2 (Filtering):
I also want to add some filtering to this tablesorter, so I included
the tablesorter_filter.js from jbritten, but this is not working at
all.  When I type into the filter box nothing happens at all.  I've
doublechecked the syntax and it appears right...perhaps this error
occurs from the same problem the pagination occurs.

My code in the script that generates the html table that gets
displayed via ajax is this:

<script type="text/javascript">
                $(this).tablesorter({ headers:{3:{sorter: false}}, sortList:
                                filterContainer: "#1_filter-box",
                                filterClearContainer: "#1_filter-clear-button",
                                filterColumns: [0]
                                container: $("#'1_pager"),
                                positionFixed: false

I've tried this without the livequery stuff, but it gives me the same
Anyone got any ideas or tips for me to try?


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