Dear Karl,

Thank you for your reply. I tried moving the jquery scripts before
everything else, but it seems to have no effect in IE.
I moved it back, and this is what it looks like now. (This all works
fine in Safari 4.0.4). Do you have any other suggestions?! Sorry, but
as you can tell, I find this stuff very hard to understand! Jurgen :-)

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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/A%20Fleeting%20glimpse%20Desc.htm"
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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Dancing%20in%20the%20Sand%20Desc.htm"
target="detail" title="Dancing in the Sand"><img src="Gallery Dreams/
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class="captify" /></a></li>

<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Summer%20Shade%20Desc.htm"
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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Quasar%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Symphony%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Cool%20Stream%20Desc.htm"
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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Irresistible%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Aurora%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/CAT%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
title="Clear Air Turbulence"><img src="Gallery Dreams/Clear Air
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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Spark%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Vortex%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
title="Vortex"><img src="Gallery Dreams/Vortex Thumb.jpg" alt="Vortex"
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<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/The%20First%20Step%20Desc.htm"
target="detail" title="The First Step"><img src="Gallery Dreams/The
First Step Thumb.jpg" alt="The First Step" class="captify" /></a></

<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Free%20Fall%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
title="Free Fall"><img src="Gallery Dreams/Free Fall Thumb.jpg"
alt="Free Fall" class="captify" /></a></li>

<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Heat%20Wave%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
title="Heat Wave"><img src="Gallery Dreams/Heat Wave Thumb.jpg"
alt="Heat Wave" class="captify" /></a></li>

<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Mirage%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
title="Mirage"><img src="Gallery Dreams/Mirage Thumb.jpg" alt="Mirage"
class="captify" /></a></li>

<li><a href="Gallery%20Dreams/Life%20Force%20Desc.htm" target="detail"
title="Life Force (Triptych)"><img src="Gallery Dreams/Life Force
Thumb.jpg" alt="Life Force Triptych" class="captify" /></a></li>

<li><img src="Gallery Form/Repeat Thumb BW.jpg" alt="Repeat"
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On Dec 17, 3:33 pm, Karl Swedberg <> wrote:
> If I view source on the detail frame, I see that you're referring to  
> the $ function before you load the jQuery file. Put the script element  
> that loads jQuery before your other script and see if that helps.
> --Karl
> ____________
> Karl
> On Dec 17, 2009, at 4:26 AM, blueshift wrote:
> > Jquery-1.3.2. runs fine in Safari and Firefox. In IE8 (using the
> > Developer Tools), I get the error: "Could not get the position
> > property. Invalid argument jquery-1.3.2.js, line 12 character 12949".
> > Using debugging, the script highlights the characters {J[G]=K}.
> > I have no idea what this does, but it seems to cause the problem! The
> > result is when a thumbnail image is clicked in one of my galleries,
> > the image does not open in IE8. If anyone understands this or how to
> > correct it, I'd be very grateful!
> > See the problem in action (or not) on my
> > (click on a gallery to open the thumbnails).
> > Many thanks!

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