Hello guys, I'm doing a pagination for my site, and I'm having some problems
with my selectors...
In my site I have a #box div and inside this div I call by ajax my
guestbook, which contains a pagination, it's already working, but I'm having
TWO problems:
#1 - My #loading div seems that's not appearing when I open the #box div (It
should appears while loading the data)
#2 - I could not highlight the current page which is displaying the messages
(If user is at page 1, the link for the page 1 should have a different
color, and other stuff)
I'm testing all locally, in my Apache server.

Here goes the code for my INDEX.PHP file:

<div id="box">
    <!-- ajax will load the content... -->
<div id="loading"><img src="imgs/loader.gif" alt="carregando" />Carregando
</div><!-- End boxes area -->

INDEX.PHP also contains this js:

$('a.menuGuestbook').click(function() {
 $('#box').load('guestbook/guestbook.php?page=1', Hide_Load());
return false;
 $('#close').live('click', function() {
return false;
// ----------------------- show and hide loading -------------------------
//Display Loading Image
 function Display_Load() {
$('#box #loading').fadeIn('slow');
$('#box #loading').html("");
//Hide Loading Image
function Hide_Load() {
$('#box #loading').fadeOut('slow');
// ---------------------- ajax' calls -------------------------------------
//Default Starting Page Results
 $("#paginacao li:first")
.css({'color' : '#FF0084'}).css({'border' : 'none'});
//Pagination Click
$('#pagination li').live('click',function() {
//CSS Styles
$("#pagination li")
.css({'border' : 'solid #DDD 1px'})
 .css({'color' : '#0063DC'});
.css({'color' : '#FF0084'})
 .css({'border' : 'none'});
 //Loading Data
var pageNum = this.id;
 $("#box").load("guestbook/guestbook.php?page="+pageNum, Hide_Load());

Inside my GUESTBOOK.PHP file I have a div called "paginacao", here goes the

<div id="paginacao">
$per_page = 2;
 $sql = "select * from tb_guestbook";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$count = mysql_num_rows($result);
 $pages = ceil($count/$per_page)
    <ul id="pagination">
 //Pagination Numbers
for($i=1; $i<=$pages; $i++) {
echo '<li id="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</li>';

Thanks for help!!

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