I'm not sure what else there is, I never change character sets and set everything to UTF-8 just to avoid the mess you're having.

The only advice I can give you is to make sure everything's set to the same character set (your html, your js, your database, your php source files, ...)

Then try to figure out where the conversion happens with firebug (set some console.log(var) markers in your code, look at the headers, etc...

Or post a link to a test case that shows the problem so we can have a direct look at it.


youradds wrote:
Mmm, changing to that works - but the error is still there with the
unlat charachters :(

On Jan 12, 12:40 pm, "Jonathan Vanherpe (T&  T NV)"<jonat...@tnt.be>
maybe it's because of the application/json part. I guess that should be
application/x-www-form-urlencoded or something. Just play with the
options you find here:http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajaxSetup


youradds wrote:
Mmm, maybe that didn't work :/

              jQuery.ajaxSetup({ scriptCharset: "ISO-8859-1" , contentType:
"application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1"});
          jQuery.post("/cgi-bin/unterricht/review.cgi", {
            Review_Rating: the_rating,
                    ID:  theID,
                    add_this_review: 1,
                    Review_Contents: contents,
                    Review_Subject: subject,
                    Review_ByLine: byline,
                    Review_GuestName: guestname,
                    Review_GuestEmail: guestemail,
                    add_review: 1,
                    SecurityImage: SecurityImage,
                    SessionID:     SessionID

          }, function(response){

            setTimeout("finishAjaxReview('the_rating_box', '"+escape
(response)+"')", 400);

The script is called ok, but it doesn't pass any of the paramaters -
the POST values passed in are simple $VAR1 = {};  (i.e nothing was
passed it?)



On Jan 11, 3:54 pm, "Jonathan Vanherpe (T&    T NV)"<jonat...@tnt.be>
actually, putting this once somewhere in your script should fix it:
$.ajaxSetup({ scriptCharset: "ISO-8859-1" , contentType:
"application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1"});

but still, you'll make your life easier if you just go for a completely
utf-8 workflow.


Jonathan Vanherpe (T&    T NV) wrote:

this seems to answer your question somewhat:

although I'd personally recommend to just use utf-8 for everything (so
making your website and database use utf-8)


youradds wrote:
Anyone got any suggestions? This is the last bug I've gotta squish :/



On Jan 11, 9:18 am, youradds<andy.ne...@gmail.com>    wrote:
I found a way to do this in the .cgi script - but obviously I'd prefer
to do it vai the AJAX submission, instead of having to encode it
properly at the server end :)

my $contents = $IN->param('Review_Contents');
$contents =~ s/([\200-\377]+)/from_utf8({ -string =>    $1, -
charset =>    'ISO-8859-1'})/eg;
$IN->param('Review_Contents' =>    $contents );



On Jan 11, 8:15 am, youradds<andy.ne...@gmail.com>    wrote:


Got a bit of a weird one here :/

The following code works fine:

jQuery.post("/cgi-bin/review.cgi", {
Review_Rating: the_rating,
ID: theID,
add_this_review: 1,
Review_Contents: contents,
Review_Subject: subject,
Review_ByLine: byline,
Review_GuestName: guestname,
Review_GuestEmail: guestemail,
add_review: 1,
SecurityImage: SecurityImage,
SessionID: SessionID
}, function(response){

setTimeout("finishAjaxReview('the_rating_box', '"+escape
(response)+"')", 400);

...*appart* from the fact stuff like:


..gets converted to:


I did a little bit of research, and found something about adding this
(but this seems to really be for a different jQuery function - which
is probably why its not working);

contentType: "application/x-www-form-

Can anyone suggest how I could fix this issue with foreign



Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu&    Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu&  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu & Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

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