This question is really better suited for the main jQuery list since
it's not about a jQuery UI plugin.

It sounds like you probably forgot to set position to absolute.  If
that doesn't work, please post in the main jQuery list and provide
some sample code (a live, stripped down version is the easiest to

On Dec 20, 10:23 pm, Will Gant <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've made a form that has its own color picker on it (I would have used a 
> prebuilt one, but I couldn't find any with a custom set of colors). Anyway, 
> the colors are arranged in images in table cells in a div (for the moment). 
> When the user clicks on a button, I am calling a function that grabs the div, 
> sets its left to $(this).left and its top to $(this).bottom and then calls 
> animate on it to slowly display it. However, for some reason, it is still 
> popping up where it is in the page layout, instead of the position I gave it. 
> I want to move it so that it pops up off the button that is clicked.
> I know the answer has to be easy (and probably obvious to anybody that hasn't 
> been looking at this batch of code all day), but I'm stuck. Any ideas on what 
> the problem could be? Or better yet, something I could be using that would 
> make this super-simple?
> Thanks in advance,
> Will
> “It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of what he was never reasoned 
> into.”
> Jonathan Swift
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