I've created a ticket for this ( http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4086
).  I'll fix it in a few minutes.  Thanks.

On Feb 6, 10:31 am, M Dennis <gar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> jQuery v1.3.1
> Query UI 1.6rc6
> Base theme
> I'm either doing something wrong or it appears as though the method
> for changing the default option for dialogClass on the fly is being
> updated but not applied to the dialog.
> Example codehttp://pastey.net/107787-t9eq
> Output:
> Dialog Info:
> Pre-Change -
> Dialog Title:
> Dialogclass: not-a-real-style
> #dialog.parent() class: ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-
> corner-all not-a-real-style
> Post-Change -
> Dialog Title: Error-2
> Dialogclass: ui-state-error
> #dialog.parent() class: ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-
> corner-all not-a-real-style
> Based on looking at the information here and the information in
> firebug I can see there is an issue with the #dialog.parent() class
> since "not-a-real-style" is still there even though it should have
> changed.  But as far as $("#dialog").dialog("options","dialogClass");
> is concerned it's "ui-state-error".
> Any ideas? Hopefully I'm just doing something wrong :P.
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