
Time for a new update on the YAML front. I've rewritten the parser in
Java. (VERY inefficient Java, I have to add. It's really naive right
now, actually).
The test case for RbYAML give this output:

D:\Project\rbyaml\test>ruby test_time_events.rb yaml\gems2.yml
loading a file 100 times took 6600.0 milli seconds or 6.6 seconds

and JvYAML:

D:\Project\jruby>java -cp lib\jruby.jar org.jvyaml.ParserImpl
Walking through the events for the file:
d:\project\rbyaml\test\yaml\gems2.yml took 380ms, or 0.38 seconds

So, as you can see, we're still talking 20 times faster for the really
naive Java version. This feels really promising! (Right now I'm just
waiting for approval from java.net, so I can add the source code to
their CVS, then everyone can test it out, if you feel like it)

 Ola Bini

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