After reviewing the Quick Start @ Source Forge, we're confused in my
shop.  With a TRUE MVC scenario,  how can you effectively test the .jsps
invoked by a/the controller servlet?.... the QS examples show the pages
being called in isolation by JWebUnit (i.e. beginAt("some.jsp") our
target application, these pages are not exposed to the user (return


I guess you could write a long, sequential test case which
beginsAt("servlet_url") and then processes the returns until you got
(robot style) where you want to begin the test but this hardly seems
viable.  Alternatively, using the canonical isolation approach would
require building some mock object state/session entity to spoof the
interaction at some desired point.


Are we missing something about this tool?  What other tools/approaches
address this type testing need?


Michael Dean

Senior Java Programmer

ISD/JIS Applications/Development/Bears

Administrative Office of the Courts




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