And, per a 7/12 press release, Macromedia has purchased

> From: Gillard dIon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: JavaBeans vs. Enterprise JavaBeans
> Date: Monday, August 02, 1999 1:22 AM
> FWIW, Drumbeat from Elemental has JSP support & WebSphere Studio v3 Betas
> do as well...
> --
> dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
> Work:
> Play:
> ----- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 02/08/99 01:35
> PM -----
> [snip]
> I suspect that one of the reasons that JSP uses JavaBeans is to
> encourage the future development of visual page design tools that allow
> drag and drop JavaBean integration into JSP. Right now there are none,
> but I can imagine a tool like Dreamweaver having it in the future. The
> whole process may become even more likely after the 1.1 spec is
> implemented.
> [snip]
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