Rickard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm proud to announce the release of WebWork 1.0! WebWork is a
> HMVC web application framework in Java, developed as Open Source
> (BSD license) and designed to help create dynamic websites using
> minimal effort and maximum flexibility. It's architecture is easy
> to learn and understand, yet has features that allow for complex
> applications to be built.

I haven't tried this yet, but I would nevertheless like to say "Thank
you" to all of the developers who worked on the project.

Writing open source software is a great way that people can make
excellent use of their innate talents and hard won skills to give
something to the world as a whole.

My own efforts, both as a professional programmer and as an ordinary
computer user, would be significantly harder and less interesting
without the many superb open source tools that I use on a regular

As for the issue of Struts vs. WebWork vs. something else, I suspect
that even if WebWork does not acquire a large user base, if it has
good ideas in it (and I'm sure it does), people will see them and
those ideas will work their way into other programs as well.  The
intellectual efforts made by each open source programmer contribute
to the community even if their own specific programs never find many
users.  I'm sure that, in at least some areas, WebWork will raise the
bar and help make all related projects better.

Thanks again.
Alan Meyer
AM Systems, Inc.
Randallstown, MD, USA

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