why would you want to enable/disable localizations ?
having the i18n files plain in WEB-INF/classes is much easier if you want to
customize them, just edit them (no unjarring/jarring)


2009/4/17 Janne Jalkanen <janne.jalka...@ecyrd.com>

>>> Yeah.. Been wondering if it would make sense to have a separate jar file
>>> for the i18n files.
>> Even better IMHO would be to have them unpacked, since they also define
>> some things that a customiser /might/ want to change -- icons, etc. It's not
>> really "user" level stuff, but it certainly falls under the sphere of
>> interest of a "site maintainer". But next best would certainly be a separate
>> jar... :-)
> Dealing with multiple files is always a pain - a separate JAR file for each
> language sounds a bit better to me. That way you can enable/disable
> localizations simply by adding/removing JAR files.
> /Janne

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