Hi Greg, Joel, Klaus, Tobias etc,

Glad you reawakened the list from its winterschlaf! 

To get back on topic ;-) I just got this email from Alethes Press regarding 
republication of The Failure of Technology.

Dear Mr. Friedrich,

Yes, we will be publishing The Perfection of Technology, in a new translation 
from the 4th and final German edition--sometime in spring 2010. We've had (and 
are still going through) some major reorganization for the rest of 2009 and 
early 2010; which frankly explains the delay in getting the book out and in 
getting back to you--for which we apologize. The horrible economy hasn't helped 
at all, as you can imagine.

Many, many thanks.

Alethes Press


Von: Gregory Whitfield <gregd...@yahoo.com>
An: juenger_org@yahoogroups.de
Gesendet: Samstag, den 19. Dezember 2009, 6:19:31 Uhr
Betreff: [juenger_org] Juenger and 'anti technology'


Hello everyone. 
Since recent discussion has been about Juenger and Heidegger's views on 
technology, I thought I'd send a link to Jacques Ellul's 'anti technology' 
 I know little about Jacques Ellul -- he was an anarchist, but also a 
contemplative ( similarities to Tolstoy's Anarchism particularly inspired by 
Sermon on the Mount perhaps? ). 
Judging from the interview, he could also be viewed as a 'revolutionary 
conservative', though I know that some object to that term ,considering it as 
inherently semantically incongruous.
Anyway, the film is most certainly naive, and definitely dated in places -- but 
there are perhaps some gems here that the boarders may enjoy.

--- On Wed, 18/11/09, Simon Friedrich <simonfriedr...@yahoo.de> wrote:

>From: Simon Friedrich <simonfriedr...@yahoo.de>
>Subject: AW: [juenger_org] Juenger and German mysticism
>To: juenger_org@yahoogroups.de
>Date: Wednesday, 18 November, 2009, 10:03
>Thanks for the interesting reflections, Greg. Certainly the writings of true 
>mystics must resemble each other - the paths converge near the peak. 
>But I'm out of my depth when it comes to Buddhist scripture.
>Coincidentally I'm reading Aldous Huxley's "The Perennial Philosophy" at the 
>moment - from what I understand of your interests and background, you'd find 
>it fascinating. You'll find much comparison in this book between German 
>mystics and Buddhism.
>Comparative mysticism from the point of view of a broadly-read near-mystic 
>himself. Huxley was certainly on the level of Juenger - perhaps not in terms 
>of action, but certainly in terms of insight.
> juenger.blogspot .com
 Von: Gregory Whitfield <gregd...@yahoo. com>
>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 18. November 2009, 3:32:04 Uhr
>Betreff: [juenger_org] Juenger and German mysticism
>Simon, that's fantastic -- thanks very much indeed for the translation.
>I am really gaining a lot from these pages, and I really appreciate you 
>sending it.
>Bear in mind I am really new to Juenger and know little about his work -- I 
>have only been reading him for around six months, but a lot of what I have 
>read recently reminds me so much of early Theravada thought, as exemplified by 
>the Tripitaka ( The Sutta Collections ).
>I do not know that much at all about historical connections, but I do believe 
>these Theravada Suttas had influence in German thought -- Wasn't Schopenhauer 
>very interested in early Theravada concepts and Advaita Vedanta? ( I believe 
>that's why he was always dismissed by many British academics as being 
>'negative' and 'nihilistic' )
>Or has that awareness and state of mind long been in 'the German psyche', 
>existing quite separately from Schopenhauer' s interest in those texts ? I am 
>thinking here of men like Silesius and Meister Eckhardt, whose perspectives on 
>the world and man had strong similarities to Thervadin thought and Advaita 
>Vedanta -- but clearly had no connection whatsoever to those texts, and had no 
>immediate historical influence from those specific texts: Those perceptions 
>already existed within schools of German mysticism and in other European 
>schools of thought.
>Just some thoughts -- these are just some instinctive responses and 
>Thanks again Simon -- fantastic work.
>--- On Mon, 16/11/09, Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@ yahoo.de> wrote:
>>From: Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@ yahoo.de>
>>Subject: [juenger_org] An der Zollstation
>>To: juenger_org@yahoogroups.de
>>Date: Monday, 16 November, 2009, 9:48
>>Sorry, here's the attachment refered to.
>> Simon
>>http://ernst- juenger.blogspot .com
 Von: Gregory Whitfield <gregd...@yahoo. com>
>>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>>Gesendet: Samstag, den 14. November 2009, 7:27:13 Uhr
>>Betreff: [juenger_org] War and human response.
>>And here is a further link related to the earlier one . It makes for 
>>frightening, chilling reading, but I consider it relevant not only to 
>>Junger's early work, but also relevant especially in the light of recent 
>>events in USA. 
>>http://findarticles .com/p/articles/ mi_m0EXI/ is_2_19/ai_ 84542213/ 
>>?tag=content; col1
>>--- On Sat, 14/11/09, Gregory Whitfield <gregd...@yahoo. com> wrote:
>>>From: Gregory Whitfield <gregd...@yahoo. com>
>>>Subject: [juenger_org] Juenger and Cosmic Insight.
>>>To: juenger_org@yahoogroups.de
>>>Date: Saturday, 14 November, 2009, 6:13
>>>Dear group, 
>>>I have been reading our web master Dr. King's interesting work on Juenger, 
>>>and carefully noting his bibliography and footnotes too. It makes for 
>>>intriguing reading, and since we have been discussing the negative effects 
>>>of technology and appalling psychological effects of industrial scale wars, 
>>>I thought I'd  circulate the following , sourced from Dr. King's footnotes.
>>>http://www.timeshig hereducation. co.uk/story. asp?storyCode= 
>>>It reminded me of some of the ( often appalling and frightening ) themes in 
>>>"Storm of Steel."
>>>On the point of "Storm of Steel" , I notice in the closing chapters, Ernst 
>>>Juenger seems to have had insights into the significance of death on a 
>>>number of occasions when he is badly wounded. I'd like to ask board 
>>>contributors' views on these 'flash insights' he seems to have had when he 
>>>believed himself to be 'close to' his own death -- are these insights 
>>>expanded upon in later books? To what extent does he explore the insights 
>>>I am so busy now, but will get page refs later -- basically I refer to 
>>>occasions when he was shot at or bombed and in those moments was convinced 
>>>he was going to die, and seemed to have experienced penetrating insights 
>>>into 'mortality and the cosmos' at those precise moments.
>>>All the best,
>>>--- On Tue, 1/9/09, John King <jejk...@yahoo. de> wrote:
>>>>From: John King <jejk...@yahoo. de>
>>>>Subject: AW: [juenger_org] WG: Yahoo! Groups: Willkommen bei juenger_org. 
>>>>Schauen Sie herein.
>>>>To: juenger_org@yahoogroups.de
>>>>Date: Tuesday, 1 September, 2009, 15:01
>>>>Personally I'd say the next thing to read would be "On the Marble Cliffs", 
>>>>the classic novel of "Inner Emigration" from 1939.
 Von: Gregory Whitfield <gregd...@yahoo. com>
>>>>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>>>>Gesendet: Dienstag, den 1. September 2009, 15:50:05 Uhr
>>>>Betreff: Re: [juenger_org] WG: Yahoo! Groups: Willkommen bei juenger_org. 
>>>>Schauen Sie herein.
>>>>John, thanks for your rapid response. 
>>>>I am fascinated by Junger, and want to see what the long term readers have 
>>>>to say and advice they give as to reading lists -- As for myself, I read 
>>>>very widely. I wouldn't define my reading as either "left" or "right" wing, 
>>>>since I have never  found those labels adequate to describe human 
>>>>experience. However, I'd say I have always been intrigued by authors who 
>>>>have certainly left their mark on history, but in some sense, were always 
>>>>indefinable fringe characters. My reading ranges from obscure Dadaists, to 
>>>>Italian Futurists, to Greek philosophy ( Stoicism, & Heraclitus in 
>>>>particular ) to Hindu Scripture ( Advaita Vedanta  ) the Theravada Suttas , 
>>>>to Meister Eckhart and Schopenhauer , La Rochefoucauld  and Baudrillard etc.
>>>>Thanks for your advice, in particular, regarding ON PAIN. Bear in mind I 
>>>>have only read STORM OF STEEL and am absolutely speechless it's so great. 
>>>>Will ON PAIN be a good next step?
>>>>--- On Tue, 1/9/09, John King <jejk...@yahoo. de> wrote:
>>>>>From: John King <jejk...@yahoo. de>
>>>>>Subject: [juenger_org] WG: Yahoo! Groups: Willkommen bei juenger_org. 
>>>>>Schauen Sie herein.
>>>>>To: juenger_org@yahoogroups.de
>>>>>Date: Tuesday, 1 September, 2009, 11:34 PM
>>>>>Anyone got suggestions for Mr Whitfield?
>>>>>----- Weitergeleitete Mail ----
>>>>>Von: Gregory Whitfield <gregd...@yahoo. com>
>>>>>An: juenger_org Moderator <juenger_org- ow...@yahoogroup s.de>
>>>>>Gesendet: Dienstag, den 1. September 2009, 14:41:54 Uhr
>>>>>Betreff: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Willkommen bei juenger_org. Schauen Sie herein.
>>>>>Hi -- I am new to Ernst Jünger , and I am trying to catch up on his works 
>>>>>-- I can't believe I have missed someone so amazing. I was very influenced 
>>>>>by Max Stirner et al, so he works well with my background so to speak.
>>>>>I have been reading STORM OF STEEL and I am enthralled -- what is the next 
>>>>>best book to read? What do you all think of ON PAIN ? It looks good, but I 
>>>>>am a little reluctant to spend a lot of cash on it if it's only 90 pages 
>>>>>-- but, if it's essential reading of course, money is no issue.
>>>>>Advice please?
>>>>>--- On Tue, 1/9/09, juenger_org Moderator <juenger_org- ow...@yahoogroup 
>>>>>s.de> wrote:
>>>>>>From: juenger_org Moderator <juenger_org- ow...@yahoogroup s.de>
>>>>>>Subject: Yahoo! Groups: Willkommen bei juenger_org. Schauen Sie herein.
>>>>>>To: juenger_org@yahoogroups.de
>>>>>>Date: Tuesday, 1 September, 2009, 10:35 PM
>>>>>>Willkommen in der Group juenger_org bei Yahoo! Groups.
>>>>>>Ihre Group wartet auf Sie, schauen Sie also bald herein.
>>>>>>Und probieren Sie aus, wie einfach und dazu noch kostenlos Sie sich 
>>>>>>austauschen und informieren können:
>>>>>>* Sie wählen, wann und wie Sie in Kontakt bleiben.
>>>>>>* Nutzen Sie Fotos, Dateien, Umfragen, Kalender, Links und vieles mehr 
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>>>>>>* Überfliegen Sie schnell neue Beiträge und durchsuchen ausführliche 
>>>>>>* Und Sie haben viele weitere Möglichkeiten, sich mitzuteilen. Rund um 
>>>>>>die Uhr!
>>>>>>Legen Sie also los! Besuchen Sie jetzt die Group juenger_org.
>>>>>>http://us.rd. yahoo.com/ evt=42879/ *http://de. groups.yahoo. com/group/ 
>>>>>>Viele Grüße,
>>>>>>Mit der Nutzung
>>>>>> von Yahoo! Groups stimmen Sie den http://de.docs. yahoo.com/ info/utos. 
>>>>>> html zu.
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