Dear Klaus, 

We see things similarly. But I think that each of us finds ourself in precisely 
a life-situation corresponding to our inner level of development and to the 
lessons we need to raise ourselves....Life as a school that provides each of us 
with precisely the lessons we need. This can be a bitter pill to swallow. (I 
would like to pretend I am a Juenger who is given the
opportunity to spend his thinking and writing, but I have to work in a
boring normal job. )

But I'd rather try to deal with reality, however bitter, than live in a 
beautiful illusion leading nowhere.

None of us altogether escapes the will of the earth, and these meaningless 
daily tasks are part of that, I guess. Nevertheless I believe the will of the 
earth can be satisfied in higher and lower ways. One can work in a factory, 
producing technology on a conveyor belt, or one can use one's God-given 
intelligence to try to understand what the earth wants and help her reach the 
best possible form of that. The fate of humanity in the earth's plan is in 
particular where this latter task becomes importance. Presumably the earth 
could do without a freer form of humanity; it could perhaps work equally well 
with completely domesticated human beings, little more than livestock as 
Juenger suggests in The Glass Bees. Or perhaps humanity is completely 

Integrating humanity into the earth's plan in the best possible way is the task 
of these people - the Alpha+'s of Huxley's conception. (Though there, even they 
had been programmed into social slavery).


Von: klaus gauger <>
Gesendet: Freitag, den 22. Januar 2010, 18:01:24 Uhr
Betreff: AW: AW: [juenger_org] The earth changing its skin


Dear Simon,
Jünger always tried to escape from ordinary life and mass society. It´s this 
kind of "escapism" I mean. This is also something positive. Only stupid people 
will see something negative in it. Already his experience in World War I was 
something very personal and far away from ordinary experiences of modern 
warfare. Jünger has this special perspective that differs him from ordinary 
people with an "average" philosophy of life.
I am sorry that you have so much work now. And you´re absolutely right: The 
stupidity of daily work makes us to small parts of the whole absurd engine of 
modern society which revolves around meaningless tasks and senseless efforts. I 
see it that way and I wished I could use my time for better things than the 
work of a schoolteacher. 

--- Simon Friedrich <> schrieb am Fr, 22.1.2010:

>Von: Simon Friedrich <>
>Betreff: AW: AW: [juenger_org] The earth changing its skin
>Datum: Freitag, 22. Januar 2010, 10:47
>Thanks Klaus. The point of "escapism" in Juenger has never occured to me. Do 
>you mean in the sense of "Die Schleife" from Abenteuerliche Herz, that is in a 
>positive salvation sense?
>Work is also taking up increasing amounts of my time. I only read private 
>stuff now after 11pm at night. 
>This lack of time for quiet unhurried reflection is a real danger, not only 
>personally but for our whole society. If no-one has time to reflect on the 
>meaning and direction of their life, it simply goes the way of society, of the 
>mass flow.
>If no individuals are thinking for themselves, the society will follow the 
>broad lines of development required by the earth's program in the roughest and 
>least humane way possible.  
> Simon
>http://ernst- juenger.blogspot .com
 Von: klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@>
>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 21. Januar 2010, 15:17:55 Uhr
>Betreff: AW: [juenger_org] The earth changing its skin
>Hi Simon,
>you´re right. "The worker" is only a starting point, "An der Zeitmauer" is far 
>nearer to our situation than "The worker". I read "Annäherungen" , it´s 
>interesting, how important the drug theme for Ernst Jünger was and how 
>constant these drug experiences were for him during his life. The drug theme 
>fit´s into the theme of escapism, another constant point in Ernst Jüngers 
>books. The "anarch" is always experimenting with drugs too.  I liked the book, 
>maybe I will read it again some time. At the moment I  don´t have much time 
>for reading and intelectual work. I am totally involved in my work as a 
>schoolteacher. Well, Simon, let´s leave it here. 
>--- Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@> schrieb am Mi, 20.1.2010:
>>Von: Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@>
>>Betreff: [juenger_org] The earth changing its skin
>>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>>Datum: Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010, 18:52
>>Klaus, I have avoided reading Der Arbeiter because I understand that its 
>>concepts were eclipsed in Juenger's thinking by later writings - in 
>>particular An der Zeitmauer. Juenger himself had very ambivalent 
>>retrospective feelings about having written Der Arbeiter, didn't he? (Not 
>>wanted the Evola translation etc...)
>>Anyhow, if the skin-changing earth is so important, do you think I should 
>>make the effort (a considerable one for a non-native speaker) to read Der 
>>Arbeiter - I am inclined instead to spend that time rereading Zeitmauer.
>>Speaking of re-reading - I am almost at the end of a second reading of 
>>Annaerungen. The first was in Italian translation - not a great translation, 
>>but now that I'm reading it in German I understand how superficially I read 
>>it the first time through. Although it is full of personal anecdotes, this is 
>>also an important book to read,
>> particularly on the subject of art. Which relates intimately to the 
>> skin-changing earth....
>>Have you read Annaerungen? What's your impression? I find some of the 
>>metaphysical subtleties in this book way beyond me - despite my own 
>>"approaches" to the material.
>> Simon
>>http://ernst- juenger.blogspot .com
 Von: klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@>
>>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>>Gesendet: Montag, den 18. Januar 2010, 12:46:09 Uhr
>>Betreff: AW: [juenger_org] The two groups of Juengerites
>>Dear Simon,
>>"the earth changing its skin", that´s really an important point, dear Simon. 
>>That´s why I wrote the long essay about Jüngers philosophy of technology. We 
>>are moving into a highly technological age, and there are important 
>>ecological and social questions to be solved now that are connected with the 
>>process of technologization of our world. Jünger since his book "The worker" 
>>tried to give some answers to these questions and tried to put the world-wide 
>>technological process into a philosophical, historical and political 
>>perspective. This question is more important than the question who pays for 
>>the "escapism" of the "anarch", which is the classical marxist bullshit about 
>>any philosophy of life which is not materialist and politically and socially 
>>My essay about this important question: 
>>http://www.lammla. de/domains/ arnshaugk/ diktynna/ ej_technikkritik .pdf
>>Thanks for your good comment, Simon. The next time I will watch porntube 
>>before I lose my time with stupid discussions about some not very brilliant 
>>remarks of Niekisch.
>>--- Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@> schrieb am Mo, 18.1.2010:
>>>Von: Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@>
>>>Betreff: [juenger_org] The two groups of Juengerites
>>>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>>>Datum: Montag, 18. Januar 2010, 10:57
>>>Dear List,
>>>Klaus is correct in saying that a majority of people (in the world and to a 
>>>lesser degree on this list) regard Juenger only in a retrospective 
>>>analytical sense, while only a minority look to his ideas for their present 
>>>and future value to us as ordinaryhuman beings trying to learn more about 
>>>ourselves and the world.
>>>The larger group is interested in distracting itself from its own 
>>>deficiencies with historical analysis and critique - this group has 
>>>evidently not really perceived  the extraordinary value of Juenger's 
>>>insights for them. Perhaps they are also smug in their own self-ignorance 
>>>and thus have little aspiration to evolve to a better version of themselves. 
>>> Were they to understand their need and the value of what is being offered 
>>>them in Juenger's works, they would put the historical nitpicking and 
>>>time-wasting in its rightful secondary
>>> place. 
>>>Each member of the second group - having sensed the value of Juenger for 
>>>them as individuals, and having also understood their own comparative 
>>>ignorance - wants to increase their OWN understanding of what Juenger is 
>>>saying. Having a genuine and unique own-understanding is totally 
>>>incompatible with any kind of pigeon-holing. (I thus appreciate Klaus's list 
>>>of Juenger's characters below, a list which defies any kind of stereotyping. 
>>>These rarer Juenger fans feel no need to align themselves with any other 
>>>individuals or schools of thought etc. They do not want to pigeon-hole 
>>>because they understand that such a premature action immediately stops their 
>>>own further understanding. These individuals have a genuine personal NEED to 
>>>understand and cannot satisfy themselves with any self-pretence or 
>>>"verboasting" to others.
>>>Now is the whole lengthy discussion of Niekisch's critique of Juenger really 
>>>that relevent? I read the
>>> first two or three contributions and deleted the rest unread. If 
>>> distraction is the goal, www.porntube. com will be more effective. 
>>>As one example, why not spend the same time and energy discussing what 
>>>Juenger would have thought about the Earth's changing of its skin? In light 
>>>of present occurences, an deeper or higher understanding of natural disaster 
>>>could be genuine useful to humanity.
>>>I'm not feed up with this list because it is not all about intellectual 
>>>onanism. Hang in there Klaus!
>>> Simon
 Von: klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@>
>>>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>>>Gesendet: Samstag, den 16. Januar 2010, 12:20:50 Uhr
>>>Betreff: Re: AW: [juenger_org] Niekisch's Critique of Juenger
>>>Dear Joel,
>>>Tobias Wimbauer doesn´t want us to discuss such "primitive" topics like Ozzy 
>>>Osbourne on this  Ernst Jünger list. Actually, I´am fed up of this list 
>>>anyway. The only ones in this list that seem to share my opinions are Simon 
>>>and Greg. The other ones seem to see in Jünger a sort of hero against the 
>>>tendencies of modern life and modern society and modern decadence in general 
>>>and try to interpret him in a single-minded conservative way. To say it 
>>>clear and straight: Ernst Jünger despised classical conservatism. He was in 
>>>the 20s a conservative- revolutionary, a mixture between right-wing-ideas 
>>>(nietzscheanism, etc.) and leftist revolutionary dynamics and marxist 
>>>conceptions of society. He was heavily antibourgoise, surely also a hedonist 
>>>and somewhat of a nihilist (he loved alcolhol, drugs and women, traveling, 
>>>good books, etc.) and  he surely was no christian or socialist moralist, 
>>>thought after World War
>>> II he blended some catholic ideas into his own conceptions. He is a man 
>>> that for me belongs to the future and to the intelligent members of our 
>>> society, and not to the past and not to the right-wing fringe of society, 
>>> though Jünger himself was inclined to right-wing ideas. But what will you 
>>> expect from a man that was a World-War-I- Hero? The political beliefs of 
>>> average people of today? We now have to interpret him in a progressive way, 
>>> and we don´t have to preserve him as an old, backwarded, conservative man. 
>>> And that´s why I am beginning to be fed up with this list. Besides Simon 
>>> and Greg (who both like me laugh about "universitarian" ,  "intelectual" 
>>> and so called "elitarian" thinking) nobody seems to see clearly these facts.
>>>--- Joel Dietz <jdi...@gmail. com> schrieb am Sa, 16.1.2010:
>>>>Von: Joel Dietz <jdi...@gmail. com>
>>>>Betreff: Re: AW: [juenger_org] Niekisch's Critique of Juenger
>>>>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>>>>Datum: Samstag, 16. Januar 2010, 2:57
>>>>Klaus might have a point if he was making an argument, much along the lines 
>>>>of Niekisch's own critique, that Juenger's approach is ultimately a 
>>>>sedative to be evaluated by economic measurements. For example, Klaus 
>>>>states that Ozzy's worth is ultimately defined by the fact that he made 
>>>>millions, was able to live in LA,  and created "a new genre."  Presumably, 
>>>>Juenger would be evaluated in similar fashion. 
>>>>Is the underground musical scene in Germany, which I know has been 
>>>>mentioned on this list before, more of the same? Is the "hero" ultimately 
>>>>hedonistic? To be evaluated by how much money the people whom are"inspired" 
>>>>pay for these products? 
>>>>On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 4:21 AM, Tobias Wimbauer <wimba...@web. de> wrote:
>>>>Bitte macht doch Eure privaten Plaudereien privat und nicht 
>>>>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht--- --
>>>>>Von: "klaus gauger" <klaus_gauger@>
>>>>>Gesendet: 15.01.10 06:56:41
>>>>>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>>>>>Betreff: Re: AW: [juenger_org] Niekisch's Critique of Juenger
>>>>>Dear Joel,
>>>>>maybe you should give it a try and listen to some songs of Ozzy
>>>>>Osbourne and also read some of their lyrics. ItŽs surely not church
>>>>>music, but some of these songs are really good and intelligent. When
>>>>>it comes to Ozzys personal life: He wasnŽt happy about his alcoholism
>>>>>and drug addiction either and tried several time desperately to stop
>>>>>it. Like many people Osbourne has a demon inside him that drives him
>>>>>into alcoholism and drug addiction, but he was never proud about that
>>>>>and he wasnŽt also proud about the things he did under the influence
>>>>>of alcohol and drugs. When it comes to his music and his career: He
>>>>>surely can be proud about that, not many poor kids with working-class
>>>>>background from Birmingham in England have become millionares who
>>>>>live in L.A. and have created a whole new music genre.
>>>>>--- Joel Dietz <jdi...@gmail. com> schrieb am  *Fr, 15.1.2010:*
>>>>>Von: Joel Dietz <jdi...@gmail. com>
>>>>>Betreff: Re: AW: [juenger_org] Niekisch's Critique of Juenger
>>>>>An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>>>>> Freitag, 15. Januar 2010, 3:47
>>>>>I suppose I'm not very open minded about these things.
>>>>>On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:53 PM, klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@ yahoo.
>>>>>com> wrote:
>>>>>Dear Joel,
>>>>>nihilism must not be something weak and worthless. It can also be a
>>>>>sign of strenght and vitality. Jünger says that in "Der Waldgang".
>>>>>Hedonism musnŽt also be bad, if it is combined with any sort of
>>>>>commitment to a cause. Ozzy Osbourne is, like many musicians, a
>>>>>hedonist, but he (and the other members of Black Sabbath, especially
>>>>>Tony Iommi) invented a new art-form, Heavy Metal, and Ozzy is
>>>>>commited to this art until today and has made great efforts to create
>>>>>songs that belong now to the history of Heavy Metal and are
>>>>>appreciated by many fans, like me for example. Seen from a marxist or
>>>>>christian morality Ozzy Osbourne surely is a ugly hedonist and
>>>>>nihilist, but seen from a more open-minded point of view he also is a
>>>>>person of high value for our society.
>>>>>--- Joel Dietz <jdi...@gmail. com> schrieb am Do, 14.1.2010:
>>>>>> Von: Joel Dietz <jdi...@gmail. com>
>>>>>> Betreff: Re: AW: [juenger_org] Niekisch's Critique of Juenger
>>>>>> An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
>>>>>> Datum: Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2010, 20:23
>>>>>> I'm not convinced. The article
>>>>> after
>>>>>> Niekisch's reviews Juenger's
>>>>>> "Nihilism" in greater depth. A phrase from "The Peace"
>>>>>> indicates a
>>>>>> complete rejection of this impulse, but what replaces
>>>>>> it? Aesthetics?
>>>>>> Ozzy Osbourne-like hedonistic abandonment?
>>>>>> I believe the proper point of comparison would be
>>>>>> Hoelderlin, but I am
>>>>>> without conclusions, only questions.
>>>>>> Jd
>>>>>> On 1/14/10, Thomas Friese <thomasfriese@>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Bravo, Klaus! I would have replied exactly the same
>>>>>> way to "who finances
>>>>>> > it".
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I would add that an anarch is aware that there is no
>>>>>> free lunch in life. In
>>>>>> > one way or another, everyone pays for their
>>>>> choices.
>>>>>> But he is more aware of
>>>>>> > this reality and therefore attempts to choose
>>>>>> consciously what he is
>>>>>> > prepared to pay for. Most people get given their
>>>>>> choices already made by
>>>>>> > society and must still pay for what they don't
>>>>>> fundamentally want.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > The anarch also "knows the rules" and realizes that
>>>>>> living in society has
>>>>>> > its price, which he must pay if he wants to remain
>>>>>> there and not flee to the
>>>>>> > forest.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thomas
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > --- On Mon, 1/4/10, klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > From: klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@>
>>>>>> > Subject: AW:
>>>>> [juenger_org] Niekisch's Critique of
>>>>>> Juenger
>>>>>> > To:
>>>>>> > Date: Monday, January 4, 2010, 4:32 PM
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Dear Joel,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > it is right that Jünger always fled from society, as
>>>>>> a 18 year old schoolboy
>>>>>> > to the foreign legion, and as a old man as an anarch
>>>>>> into the forest. Who
>>>>>> > finances this freedom? That is a typical question of a
>>>>>> marxist. Today we
>>>>>> > have in modern society millions of anarchs: Young
>>>>>> people who donŽt want to
>>>>>> > make a career and donŽt want to participate in the
>>>>>> "rat race" and subsist
>>>>>> > with temporary jobs, or doing their own business, or
>>>>>> even with social
>>>>>> > welfare or who live from the money of their parents,
>>>>>> young people who
>>>>>> > experiment with drugs, travel, read, write (all the
>>>>>> things that Jünger did),
>>>>>> > sometimes temporarily, sometimes as a choosen
>>>>>> lifestile. They survive in the
>>>>>> > economical and geographical niches that modern, rich
>>>>>> and developed societies
>>>>>> > always offer. The question is not "who finances this
>>>>>> freedom?" the question
>>>>>> > is: "Do you dare to live an individualistic,
>>>>>> anti-conformistic life, even if
>>>>>> > means to have less money than average people, even if
>>>>>> it means that you
>>>>>> > donŽt get the recognition that average people get as
>>>>>> so called hard-working
>>>>>> > citizens?". Besides: Also an anarch can work very
>>>>>> hard. Jünger wrote a lot
>>>>>> > of books and earned some money with it. But an
>>>>>> Anarch will always do a work
>>>>>> > that is also rewarding for himself. He wonŽt work
>>>>>> only for money or because
>>>>>> > he has fear to be evaluated as an unworthy, lazy
>>>>>> outsider in society.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Yours,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Klaus
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > --- Joel Dietz <jdi...@gmail. com> schrieb am
>>>>>> Mo, 4.1.2010:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Von: Joel Dietz <jdi...@gmail. com>
>>>>>> > Betreff: [juenger_org] Niekisch's Critique of Juenger
>>>>>> > An: "juenger_org" <juenger_org@ yahoogroups.
>>>>>> de>
>>>>>> > Datum: Montag, 4. Januar 2010, 14:26
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Was reviewing my notes on Eliot Neaman's Dubious
>>>>>> Past (P. 188-189), and
>>>>>> > came across this:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > In a two-page critique of the Waldgang, a copy of
>>>>>> which Niekisch sent to
>>>>>> > Juenger, the former editor of the national
>>>>> Bolshevist
>>>>>> Widerstand compared
>>>>>> > Juenger ot Max Stirner, whose individualism was nearly
>>>>>> solipsistic. Acording
>>>>>> > to Niekisch, Juenger doesnâ  t realize how indebted
>>>>>> every individual is to the
>>>>>> > collective: indeed, he remarks, â  glorious
>>>>>> isolationâ   is a version of
>>>>>> > societal exploitation. Niekisch wonders why the figure
>>>>>> of the Waldgaenger
>>>>>> > has achieved such popularity among conservatives,
>>>>>> positing that postwar
>>>>>> > individualism is the last refuge o the European
>>>>>> intellectual, threatened by
>>>>>> > the mass culture of America nad the Stalinist
>>>>>> Leviathan of Russia.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Niekisch detects in all of Juengerâ  s poses the
>>>>>> flight from society, â  whether
>>>>>> > in Africa, as a heroic soldier, a gourmet of
>>>>>> aesthetics, as a runaway from
>>>>>> > Hitleâ  rs army in the dreamy reflection of Gardens
>>>>>> and Streets, as a mountain
>>>>>> > dweller in the cosmic sphere of Heliopolis. .. .
>>>>>> wherever one looks, one
>>>>>> > uncovers the figure of the fleeing nihilist.â
>>>>>> Finally, Niekisch asks, â  where
>>>>>> > is the forest?â   He considers the trees a natural
>>>>>> metaphor for solitude and
>>>>>> > refuge, comparable to Rousseauâ  s idea of nature. AS
>>>>>> such the forest â  is the
>>>>>> > somber feeling, the intuitive sense of the inner self,
>>>>>> emancipated from the
>>>>>> > exterior world.â   Niekisch concludes with the
>>>>>> material question, â  who
>>>>>> > finances this freedomâ
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Curious how list members would respond to Niekisch's
>>>>>> critiques.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Best,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Joel
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> | jdietz |
>>>>>> fractastical (tech)
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